Have fun at work while raising money to support Guthrie 病人.


Show your workplace team spirit with a fundraiser for Guthrie that can support your local hospital, 你最喜欢的节目, 或者一个特别基金. Your team can positively impact the community where they live and work when they get creative in support of Guthrie.


Does your workplace have a matching gift program? You may be able to double your impact with a corporate match. Talk to your HR department about a corporate match for your workplace fundraiser for Guthrie.

Examples of Workplace Fundraisers

Host an awareness day for your favorite Guthrie program or fund. Our friends at Visions Federal Credit Union hosted a staff Jeans Day in support of 塞尔希望之家 and spread the message about the great work of Guthrie’s hospitality house.
 Visions Federal Credit Union

Visions Federal Credit Union


Guthrie Community Credit Union invited staff to dress down in support of 塞尔希望之家. 举办牛仔裤日, the staff learned more about 塞尔希望之家 and provided vital funding to the organization with a budget nearly fully by donations and grants.
Guthrie Community Credit Union

Guthrie Community Credit Union


How to Host a Workplace Fundraiser


第一步:计划你的活动. 步骤2: Pick your passion and click ‘Start a fundraiser’. 步骤3: Promote online and engage your family and friends.




Pick your passion and click ‘Start a fundraiser’.


Promote online and engage your family and friends.


Champion Your Cause Your Way

Choose your fundraising priority and click ‘开始筹款活动’. This will open access to Guthrie’s JustGiving portal, where you can create a custom page sharable with family and friends to raise awareness and funds for your health care cause. What health care cause would you like to support?


Support the most urgent health care needs of our community with a contribution to the 最需要 Fund.


Prioritize your health and the health of the Corning-area community with a gift to 格斯里康宁医院.


Invest in the health of your loved ones and neighbors with a gift to Cortland Memorial Foundation in support of Guthrie 科特兰医疗中心.


Strengthen the health care of the region by advancing clinical excellence with a gift to Guthrie 罗伯特·帕克医院.


Sustain growth and investment in healthcare with a gift to Guthrie 罗伯特·帕克医院, Towanda校园.


Maintain critical access to care by keeping essential services available to people in rural 宾西法尼亚 with a gift to Guthrie 特洛伊社区医院.


Partner with us to deliver comfort and dignity to 病人 at the end stages of life with a contribution to 世界博彩公司十大排名临终关怀.


Provide a home away from home for 病人’ families during times of crisis with a contribution to 塞尔希望之家.


Our dedication to you shows in our commitment to quality. This is evident through more than 80 consecutive years of accreditation by the Commission on Cancer.

 Mark Stensager Human 服务 Fund

培养社区成员, 病人, and Guthrie employees during an emergency with a contribution to the Mark Stensager Human 服务 Fund.


Support successful breast health outcomes from screening to diagnosis to breast cancer 病人 fighting today with a contribution to the 世界博彩公司十大排名乳房护理基金.

 Veteran Patient Assistant Fund

Honor those who have served us all with a contribution to the Guthrie Veteran Patient Assistance Fund.


Invest in the nurses of today and tomorrow with a contribution to 护理教育.


Invest in the next generation of physician talent with a contribution to 医学教育.


Help fund lifesaving and lifechanging innovation with a contribution to 研究.